"Cancer cures neuroses"

Why do serious illnesses or accidents have this ability, frequently, to straighten the mind, to make it resume its proper functioning? The temporal dimension of the person reappears. Instead of being a perpetual present in the process of succeeding one another, existence once again provides it with a beginning, middle and end. The mind, lazily … Read more

Extrovert and introvert

Two bubbling identities Some people do not exist without a profusion of signs of existence. Collectivism. But in what direction are these signs pointed? Do they indicate a spontaneous interest of the person in the collective? Or do they force the collective to take an interest in the person? The signs are mixed. It is … Read more

Heterosexual? Laziness

The obstacle to feminism A man who today wants to defend the condition of women, always unequal, has as his main enemy the feminist activists. Paradox? It is that some have played egalitarianism so well that they have transformed… in macha, perfect female equivalent of macho. Same blindness, same radicalization of thought, actions that discredit … Read more