Surimposium is a general theory of reality. Theory of everything? This claim immediately arouses your suspicion, and rightly so. The gurus flourish in such rich soil. But Surimposium, before shedding new light on reality, starts from nothing, at least from a minimalist principle, as free as possible of the preconceptions with which we are rich on such a vast subject. The ultimate is above all ultimately personal.
From this principle, the conflict between individuation and belonging, I bring our mind and reality into dialogue, to see if the two discourses can coincide. That is to say that Surimposium is also a new system of philosophy, UniPhiM, which brings together the monological discourse of science and the great diversity of philosophical views on the world.
When the blog tackles a current topic, it is not an opinion blog, but opinions. Mine is mainly to point out when another is false, and why. I start from the roots of the problem but above all I show the interest of this universal philosophical method. It allows you to recognize the inconsistencies in the statements made by the most experts, without being one yourself. It makes you a ‘nexialist’, a term invented by A.E. Van Vogt to designate the transdisciplinary thinker, the one who successfully merges different sciences to overcome conceptual impasses. The nexialist is a specialist in complexity, who takes no postulate for granted.
There is nothing totalitarian about UniPhiM. Its peremptory air comes from its ability to deconstruct many interpretations, to show that very few coincide, and that one must be wary of one’s personal certainties. The main idea is to clarify the correct opinion by surrounding it with a cloud of errors. The more we move so-called correct opinions into the ‘error’ category, the thicker we get this cloud and the exact center emerges…
The theory is summarized here: Understanding Surimposium, integral theory of reality (40′ reading). The details, for professional nexialists 😉 are in the French/English books, complete and simplified versions.
The book
The investigation starts from the recognition of a complex order and places two actors at its extremes: the real and the spirit. We mentally model these actors as non-self and self. The two examine each other. This is the definition of the double look, the object of the first chapter.
These representations operating entirely in the mind, it is he that I examine in priority in the second chapter. Stratium is a model of the self-organized mind. It must satisfy the double look, epistemic privileged in philosophy and ontological in neuroscience. I compare it to other models of the psyche and show how it alone solves the ‘difficult problem’ of the phenomenon of consciousness.
The third chapter looks at our conceptual foundations: individuation, interaction, representation, error, order and information, certainty and uncertainty. Each concept is often adorned with different names by the double look, requiring their attachment. Or on the contrary the concept is monolithic and deserves its duplication by this same look.
The fourth chapter continues the fundamental investigation with systemic, self-organization and emergence. History of emergentism, up to its contemporary vision: emergent causality does not arise from nothingness but from unmodeled aspects of initial conditions and approximations in the delimitation of a system.
The ontological reality of emergence is the subject of the fifth chapter. There are causal breaks in topology, phase transitions, thermodynamics, quantum decoherence. Simultaneously transcendental phenomena such as critical point and renormalization appear. I will show how causal breaks are concealed in a simple sign ‘=’. The notions of entropy and energy are deciphered. We will witness a real epistemic reversal of ontological information.
The sixth chapter reveals the complex dimension. Not just a plan of juxtaposed systems but a vertical hierarchy bringing an additional dimension to reality. The double look is inscribed in reality. A representation is no longer virtual but real, even in matter. Surimposium defines entirely new principles: surimposition of information levels, complex attractors, local frameworks replacing the general spatio-temporal framework, which becomes the surimposition of local levels. Hypothesis of the individuation-collectivization conflict (I am/I am part) as a transcendental principle in this dimension.
The seventh chapter looks for a metalanguage for the complex dimension. Investigation of the hierarchy of mathematical language and the possibility of metamathematics. The most mysterious of concepts is addressed: time. The property of time as a sequence is given back to each complex level. The problems arising from the comparison of times dissolve. The phenomenon of consciousness is part of a temporality emerging from the surimposition of its constituent interactions. Does a course of time animate reality or not? This potential tension is no longer necessary with the complex dimension. Finally it is possible to reconcile continuity and discontinuity with the double look, ontological continuity and discontinuity of representation, both as realistic as each other.
I conclude on the different sections of the complex dimension, which I have called Quantum Materium Stratium Societarium, within Diversium: the self-organized reality, from the apparent uniformity of quantons to the diversity of consciousnesses.
The blog
uses the double look to deal with current topics in their complex dimension. Test bench of existing opinions rather than personal opinion, even if I let myself go like any blogger to identity preferences. How do you know if the right balance is found? Ask your interlocutor to support the contrary opinion. A good article is a dialogue. But should it conclude with the same openness that it started? Some opinions are fatal. Even lethal. I will oscillate according to the subjects between mediation and assumed paternalism. Your fate matters to the doctor that I am and your comments are welcome.
Take this path to understanding the theory:
Surimposium as a system of philosophy
What is a philosophical system? Are we building new ones today? How to find one’s bearings in the ambient discourse. Why do we prefer science, religion or philosophy? The need for a unifying system.
Defining double look
How reality is constituted and how it appears: Two directions of look, coming from “what is organized” and “what is observing”.
What is reality?
Is there a true reality? Even knowing that our reality is personal, we experience it as unique. Let us understand better what reality in itself can be by surrounding it with the cloud of those of our fellow human beings.
A new dimension of thinking
If there is complexity, how can thought capture it, structure it? Vertical thinking, a new mental dimension.
How to enter the complex dimension
Define and explain the complex dimension and the living using the notion of integrated information.
Definition: surimposition
Surimposition is one of the major concepts of Surimposium. It is defined by the existence, in the same thing, of several separate but indissoluble levels of information. Hierarchy of relative independences. On the other hand, the relations between levels take place in two radically independent directions, the importance of which cannot be measured by the yardstick of the other.
Extinguish the controversy between determinism and indeterminism
How a fundamentally indeterminate reality becomes our determined observations, through a change of perspective.
‘Stratium’ is an innovative theory of mind that combines neural networks with consciousness, without any reductionism. It focuses on the hierarchical rather than anatomical functioning of the brain.
Cancer, a return to the roots
Surimposium has all subjects rewritten. Here is an example with cancer, a disease explained by a loss of complexity in cellular organization. Disappearance of the code ensuring cooperation in the organism and return of the cells to their primitive state, colonies of bacteria seeking to multiply as long as there are resources.