Summary of the Universal Philosophical Method

I explained earlier the genesis of a Universal Philosophical Method (UniPhiM). Long and difficult article. It is worth extracting the main practical elements of the method, and their justification:

A framework: the complex dimension. Includes material and virtual in a staggering of information levels.
-What is watching? Definition of an observer, obligatorily registered at a level of the complex dimension.
-A look is the simulation of observed information.
-The human mind builds two bases for its looks: Self and Non-Self, Spirit and Real poles.

-The Self is “I”, my body, my personality, my experienced consciousness. The part of the mind that generates this main actor is the Spirit pole.
-The “real world” is actually the Real pole, our personal representation of the physical world. It is the part lent by our mind to the world to make it exist on our mental scene.
-The real in itself is inaccessible. We enter into a relationship with it through the Real pole of our mind.
-The physical world, matter, its micromechanisms, form the basis of complexity. This base is modeled by the Real pole. The physical reality appears to us as machinery.
-The Real takes a look at us, at our constitution. A look at micromechanisms on the outcome. Upward look in the complex dimension.

The Upward Look is called ontological in philosophy. This is the view of science. It is actually pseudo-ontological. For it is born of the Real pole and its scientific theories, not of the real in itself.
-The Upward Look simulates the ascent of the complex dimension. But it is of course located entirely in the mind, that is, in a part of the complex dimension. It is constitutively a horizontal look, built in a neural organization plane, which simulates complex verticality.

The opposite look is downward: the mind, at the height of complexity, looks at the appearance of the world.
-The Downward Look is natural. We are equipped with it from birth. While the Upward Look is learned for the most part.
-The Downward Look is called teleological or epistemic in philosophy. It identifies, seeks targets for its intention (teleological activity), categorizes and theorizes intuitively (epistemic activity).
-The Downward Look willingly leans against the soul and God. It deifies its origin, which it does not see. It is above.
-The Upward Look leans on the fundamental forces and other laws of Nature. It also deifies its origin, which it does not see either. It is below its theoretical foundation, which is directed upwards from complexity.

In summary , the Universal Philosophical Method, the UniPhiM, is a framework: the complex dimension —open at the base and at the top—, two actors —the Spirit and the Real—, a double look —each of the actors looks towards the other in the complex dimension.


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