Clairvoyant feminism

Abstract: Militant feminism suffers from several problems: 1) Blurred definition of feminine, lost rather than clarified by sex, gender; I show that it is better found in a temperament trait. 2) Collapse of collectivism supported until then by women and not taken up by men. 3) Debacle of heterosexuality which is a complementary pair and … Read more

Ken Wilber’s (too?) brief account of The Everything

Abstract: As Surimposium is a theory of everything presented on this site, I examine Ken Wilber’s earlier theory, which he expanded throughout his life. I separate the excellent start on Arthur Koestler’s holons, likely to win broad support, and the mystical veneer added by Wilber, which ends up erasing the initial coherence. I highlight Wilber’s … Read more

Sensitivity readers or new breed of inquisitors?

Abstract: Authors write about people, not for them. Essential nuance and yet misunderstood by editors assisted by ‘sensitivity readers’. A misunderstanding caused by a misconception of the collective? Bram Stoker redacted by Dracula Dracula, hired as Bram Stoker’s sensitive reader, rewrote his vampire classic. How did this author of the Barbarian Ages have the audacity … Read more

Don’t confuse grumbling with complaining

At me or at others Grumbling is directed at me. I blame myself for forcing myself to a task. And I will carry it out, no matter how bitter this inner conflict. Complaining is directed at the other. I resent the other or others for the slavery felt in my tasks, without sufficient compensation. I … Read more

The bad third

The disharmonious couple Who does not know companions so poorly matched that one wonders how they could have had the idea of getting together? Worse, their shaky relationships are punctuated by crises and violence, but the worst verbal and physical fury does not prevent the angry ones from quickly sticking the pieces back. You roll … Read more

Genre: do non-binaries exist?

Abstract: Non-binaries exist but it is rarely the ones we hear called themselves that, which are rather anti-binaries. The distinction is important for knowing people’s true preferences, their sociability, their hidden neuroses and their true contribution to the cause of gender. Non-bi and bi-name A 2022 article clarified the distinction between non-binary and anti-binary. A … Read more

When women take charge of the couple’s history

Abstract: Genetic sex and cultural gender are not competitors in the study of our behaviors, except when a cultural a priori seeks to manipulate the studies. An example with Ellie Anderson, an American philosopher and gender activist, who sees the woman always alone cleaning, that of the couple’s story this time… Of the kind that … Read more

When science takes its ease with racial symbolism

Abstract: Some authors use biology to interpret questions of psychology and sociology. This is the reductionist tradition —our behaviors would emanate from our physical constitution. Cultural symbolism is sought in biology, and if it is not found there, it would be illusory. I deliberately take a polemical example, the concept of race, to show that: … Read more

Why do we wear makeup?

4 answers of philosophers proposed by Caroline Pernes on Philomag bring a 5th. Plato: a false adornment intended to conceal her true nature. Cosmetics is a “perverse, deceptive, vulgar and servile activity, which deceives by the looks it gives”. Montaigne: “The whole world is acting”. Makeup is a way of distinguishing between its social function … Read more