The living under its own double look

Abstract: The double look offers an astonishing perspective on the living, capable of overturning our usual concepts about it, but above all of recognizing the origin of these two sets of concepts, the classic and the revolutionary, which are not contradictory but complementary. I describe an application to medical therapy and in particular to cancer. … Read more

Could rocks be conscious?

A shared consciousness? The variety of responses received by The Guardian leads to this conclusion: consciousness is the thing most shared and least understood by humans. And yet the answers are not only profane; it includes Philip Goff, a panpsychic philosopher, and James Sonne, editor of MDPI’s NeuroSci journal. A geologist answered too! Does life … Read more

Our AIs have lyfe!!

In 2020, astrobiologists Stuart Bartlett and Michael Wong proposed a definition of “life as we don’t know it.” As we know it, it is “life”; Bartlett and Wong chose the term “lyfe” for their extended definition. Life on Earth would only be one of the possible ways for lyfe to realize itself. Lyfe systems must … Read more

Alone in the Universe??

Abstract: Some predict that we are alone in the Universe, others that life is commonplace. Why so much discrepancy? It stems from a misunderstanding of complexity, and who observes, the Simple or the Complex. Is infinity big enough? Jean-Pierre Bibring, astrophysicist at Paris-Saclay and looking like a reincarnated Einstein, makes a discouraging or reassuring prediction, … Read more

Artificial and natural intelligence: meeting and fusion?

Abstract: Artificial intelligence at the service of the natural extends the collection of data but does not accelerate their weaving. We spend even less time on it, stifled by infobesity. Decline in the end of the true level of intelligence, while our contemporaries believe themselves more learned? I, Robot Today most of us are unable … Read more

Life exists only on Earth?

Youhouuu!! The debate about the existence of life elsewhere in the universe is akin to the controversy over the existence of God. Some believe in it as hard as iron, others consider it impossible. Surprising! The hypothesis of a life elsewhere is however more accessible to the scientific approach. We now understand better the formation … Read more