Don’t confuse grumbling with complaining

At me or at others Grumbling is directed at me. I blame myself for forcing myself to a task. And I will carry it out, no matter how bitter this inner conflict. Complaining is directed at the other. I resent the other or others for the slavery felt in my tasks, without sufficient compensation. I … Read more

The bad third

The disharmonious couple Who does not know companions so poorly matched that one wonders how they could have had the idea of getting together? Worse, their shaky relationships are punctuated by crises and violence, but the worst verbal and physical fury does not prevent the angry ones from quickly sticking the pieces back. You roll … Read more

When women take charge of the couple’s history

Abstract: Genetic sex and cultural gender are not competitors in the study of our behaviors, except when a cultural a priori seeks to manipulate the studies. An example with Ellie Anderson, an American philosopher and gender activist, who sees the woman always alone cleaning, that of the couple’s story this time… Of the kind that … Read more

How it matches

Before reading Pre-review of a book that I have not yet opened. What’s the point? That of knowing if a book starts from the right base. Indeed, modern techniques for matching people are based a priori on the success of these mating. Isn’t this elementary positivism already too much? Isn’t that reducing our reach on … Read more

Living three

Three friends, an asymmetry Ariane Nicolas tells in Philomag a relationship between three friends that works in a particular way: Linh feels comfortable with Ariane as with Clara in isolation, while Ariane and Clara have a fluid exchange only if Linh is present. Yet it is Ariane and Clara who are the most similar. Ariane … Read more

Why this need to sometimes hate our very loved ones?

Two contradictory reasons In ‘Sur le double jeu du je t’aime‘ (‘On the double game of I love you’) Alexandre Lacroix offers two explanations for the fact of momentarily hating the people to whom we are most linked. Either we seek to regain a margin of freedom; on the contrary, we identify so much with … Read more