Sensitivity readers or new breed of inquisitors?

Abstract: Authors write about people, not for them. Essential nuance and yet misunderstood by editors assisted by ‘sensitivity readers’. A misunderstanding caused by a misconception of the collective? Bram Stoker redacted by Dracula Dracula, hired as Bram Stoker’s sensitive reader, rewrote his vampire classic. How did this author of the Barbarian Ages have the audacity … Read more

The whistleblower, the tuber-for-you and the wokist

Abstract: Three profiles of activists in the media: The tuber-for-you informs while leaving interpretation free. The whistleblower sounds the alarm to the collective by leaving to the collective the paternity of what to think of it. Finally the wokist imposes on the collective the conduct to be held. Three positions that mark pure solidarity, the … Read more

Contemporary information flows, a paradoxical reduction in exchanges

An upheaval, really? Reading the article The Great Inversion, supposed to reveal a major upheaval in our society, many of you will have pouted. “What does he announce? Media dominance is a truism. Propaganda has been around for centuries. Debord has already taken care of denouncing the society of the spectacle. Information flows come and … Read more

The Great Inversion

The most insidious of upheavals The greatest upheaval of the 21st century went unnoticed. It is even more insidious, it is true, than the predicted climate catastrophe. Catastrophe, it may not deserve this title, but it radically transforms our individual relationship to reality. It depersonalizes it. The individual is dissolving. Without being able to realize … Read more

Why did I leave QUORA?

What is Quora used for? Quora’s formative qualities are undeniable, but not in the proclaimed sense. Do the Quorans have clearer ideas? Absolutely. Do they increase their knowledge? It is more doubtful. The gain of knowledge is based on the presence of experts. Does Quora’s algorithm effectively highlight them? Not really. The Quorans self-select the … Read more