Is science real ontological knowledge?

Ontological knowledge is not what it seems In this article I use 3 epistemic notions to show how our mind apprehends reality per se and why it is always only an approximation: –The double look: one part of the mind simulates the processes of the real(Real pole),another has intention(Spirit pole). Upward and downward looks exchanged … Read more

Determinism and indeterminism

Abstract: Indeterminism has come to upset our representation of the world. Quantum theory shakes the assurance of the layman… but reinforces that of the physicist, who sees the world through equations. The theory shows a perfect example of ontological emergence, which questions the fundamental character of ‘elementary’ forces. The article suggests that there are only configurational forces throughout the complex dimension. The notion of probability is revisited. Probable states become real in an independent level of reality. Microscopic and macroscopic each have their existence. The two are inseparable and start a direction of look towards each other. In the upward direction, complexity self-constitutes indeterministically. In the downward direction, it is constituted deterministically. The opposition between determined and indeterminate reality dissolves.

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My reality is the true one Am I living in “the” reality or in “my” reality? Over 99% of humanity today uses the first choice or ignores the question. Even if I am a philosopher and neuroscientist, perfectly aware that everyone lives in their personal reality, I do not take it into account on a … Read more

What's between us?

Our ties are surimpositions of concepts What’s between us? Question asked to Parisians on the façade of the Pompidou Center by the artist Tim Etchells. Octave Larmagnac-Matheron studies it in Philomag. He sees between us language, ethics, politics, cosmos. However, just as energy surveys list its forms without saying what it is in substance, Octave … Read more

What would an effective ecology be?

The flaws of an anarchist ecology What about the ecologist galaxy? It has its scientists, its spokesmen, its parties, its extremists. No governance. Undoubtedly its major handicap in the face of highly structured mega-industries. Lack of direction that leaves opponents’ lines in the running. Some, radical, cause great harm to the movement. Serene anarchism in … Read more

Double look (definition)

Two directions in the complex dimension The double look is a fundamental notion about how our mind apprehends reality. About everything are separated two approaches: 1) How was the thing constituted? 2) How does the thing appear in the context in which it is formed? Considering everything as structured, these looks are two directions of … Read more

What is feminine and masculine?

From frank genetic dualism to gender blurring We know a frank dualism, female/male, genetic sex. He founded a complex organization leading to the adult human. On this floor the dualism woman / man is more blurred. It may have reversed, or created intermediate categories. Gender has replaced sex. Without being completely independent. So what is … Read more

Birth rate and climate crisis

Accurate data but a suspicious interpretation Is population growth one of the time bombs that threaten the planet? No, says Marie Degrémont in La Recherche. “The states with the highest fertility are also those with the lowest per capita CO2 emission rate.” But I have a hard time finding coherence in Mary’s projections. India and … Read more

Philosophers and animal suffering

When semantics traps meaning The characteristic of philosophy is to take into account all the dimensions of human discernment. Being moved is part of it in the same way as reasoning. Contemporary philosophers are therefore moved without hesitation in the face of animal suffering. But in doing so, don’t they contradict the reason? Philosophers of … Read more

PROvax or ANTIvax?

Why this insoluble conflict? Difficult debate with the hardening of the parties. However, it is not the same type of radicalization: individual in antivax, ” I do not want to be vaccinated”, collective in provax, “Vaccination only makes sense widely followed”. Second important point: acceptance and refusal are not opposites. They each have their own … Read more