Explaining consciousness as a phenomenon

Abstract: Can we explain consciousness as a phenomenon today? The problem is already rooted in matter: why do unexpected properties arise from certain physical organizations? Important subsidiary remark: these properties only appear at something at least as complex. It is therefore impossible to reduce the points of view of the constitution and the emergence to each other. It is in this opposition that a fragment of consciousness is born, whose planes are surimposed as reality becomes more complex, first in the material levels of information, then virtual in the depth of neural networks. Each level of reality constructs its own bidirectional interaction, the one that constitutes and the one that experiences its constitution. The higher the complexity, the richer and deeper the experienced phenomenon.

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Where do the fundamental forces come from?

Strong-Low-Electromagnetic-Gravitational “Four fundamental forces govern the Universe,” you read fluently in articles popularizing physics. Where does this pantheon come from? Are physicists the prophets of modern times, replacing the old gods with new ones? Revelation, in science, takes other paths. The divine mysteries, which must be believed without having seen anything, are replaced by concrete … Read more

The complex dimension in mathematics

Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russel André Deledicq and Mickaël Launay tell in Dictionnaire amoureux des mathématiques how Frege saw his beautiful set theory dynamited by a seemingly innocuous firecracker, posed by Russel. The year is 1902. Logicians like Frege try to make sets the fundamental core on which to build all mathematics. Arithmetic operations thus … Read more

Does reality exist? Consciousness, simulation and decoherence in the Campbell experiment

Reality or simulation? Science & Vie echoes this month a quantum experiment “that can change everything”. The starting point is the simulation hypothesis. In 2003 Nick Bostrom, philosopher, notes that our descendants will have an exponential numerical power and draws 3 hypotheses: 1) Humanity will be extinct before being able to exploit it. 2) It … Read more

Can we put an end to the debate on interpretations of quantum mechanics?

Helgoland, Carlo Rovelli’s excellent book already mentioned here, deserves a second article. He makes a concise and masterful assessment of interpretations of quantum mechanics, returning back to back those who vainly try to reconcile with classical mechanics and explaining why, in his opinion, conciliation is not necessary. Let’s quickly summarize the assessment: Everett’s multiple universes … Read more

Quantum strangeness in Helgoland

Quantum theory is disturbing Helgoland’ is an excellent popular work by Carlo Rovelli. Tied with Étienne Klein, Carlo is the best at enlightening amateurs. More salient incursions into the philosophical field for Étienne, while Carlo does the same at the forefront of fundamental physics. Author of one of the most prominent theories of quantum gravity. … Read more

Quantum oddities under the double look

If necessary, start with What is the double look? Odd in the middle of the other images, not for the math A constant in the popular works of the quantum world: to present the particles as abracadabrant entities, so insane that Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland seems almost wise in comparison. You read that they “alter their … Read more