A diagnosis of sociology

Abstract: On the occasion of an index published by the French National Education, which shows a growing educational segregation, I show that sociology and philosophy are lost in the description of symptoms without a real diagnostic approach. In question, the weakness of the psychological models of the human hidden behind the citizen. Neuroscience, which vampirizes … Read more

The Professor, the Patron and the Quidam

Knowledge, power and networks are the theme of a new sociological western with three timeless stars: the Professor, the Patron and the Quidam. The Professor The Professor likes to encounter information about what she already knows. She seeks to consolidate her knowledge, refine it, make it exhaustive. Such a beautiful building is well protected. Any … Read more

Flat physics, waiting to be re-inflated

A lack of variety Physics today is defined in three main areas: the infinitely small, the infinitely large, and what is in between. This is an infinitely serious problem. Because this definition reduces physics to a limited spatial framework, which is only one of those it uses. As if all human knowledge were reduced to … Read more

Compare theories of consciousness?

Striking spirit What is immediately striking about the theories of consciousness is that they don’t look alike at all. Of course we group them into major fields, scientific, religious, philosophical, but each group is heterogeneous. Among scientists, disciplines as diverse as neuroscience, complexity, and quantum physics compete for copyrights on consciousness. Every mystic wants to … Read more

Me, researcher, dishonest?

Morals Test Bench Philomag’s newsletter is back in force after the summer break with a study of 1098 students in 10 countries comparing utilitarian and deontological morals. By testing students’ behavior through games of dice and sums to be won, researchers come across a counterintuitive result: those who proclaim their attachment to an intangible moral … Read more

The Century of Darkness

A philosophical revival that founded the technological boom The Age of Enlightenment is synonymous with philosophical renewal. The eighteenth century saw the rise of rationalism and liberalism against religious obscurantism and noble conservatism. The Enlightenment is the one that great minds project on the world and the human condition. Humanity is getting rid of metaphysical … Read more

How should we study religion?

A representative for each look Debate in 2006 between philosophers Daniel Dennett and Richard Swinburne on the best way to study God and religions. Dennett is a naturalist philosopher. He favors ontological reality but is not a reductive materialist; he does not think that science should always impose itself on introspection and common sense. Swinburne … Read more

Artificial intelligence (3): Is its progenitor, science, healthy?

Fusional science Diversity has its advantages and disadvantages. Brilliant originality of thought and possible excesses. Major progress or disaster. Science has welded together in a collective so fusional that one can wonder why. Is it to consolidate the fabric of knowledge or to avoid the excesses of mad scientists? Depending on the look used, soliDary … Read more

Is science real ontological knowledge?

Ontological knowledge is not what it seems In this article I use 3 epistemic notions to show how our mind apprehends reality per se and why it is always only an approximation: –The double look: one part of the mind simulates the processes of the real(Real pole),another has intention(Spirit pole). Upward and downward looks exchanged … Read more