Abstract: Stratium is a theory of mind as a multi-tiered system adding layers of meaning. There is no homunculus to read the result, making it necessary to say that these levels themselves read their constitution and “thicken”, degree by degree, the phenomenon called “consciousness”. To this teleological and functional theory is added an ontological theory, showing how the networks are anatomically concentrated at the base of the neural hierarchy, and very dispersed at the upper levels. ‘Stratium’ is a contraction of ‘strata’ and ‘atrium’.
Is there a satisfactory solution to the trolley problem?
The terms of the dilemma The trolley problem is a thought experiment revealing the kind of ethics used by each of us. The answers vary in significant proportion according to the places of the test, showing that there is no universal ethics but a cultural preference. Several variants to the story. Here’s the one I … Read more