Anti-note activism

The grading of students is regularly criticized. As a result, this method of evaluation will gradually disappear in favour of controlling the acquisition of knowledge. Can we completely replace one with the other? I will show that the anti-note discourse is blind, obscuring the presence of the social collective. Is the grading reductive? The first … Read more

A diagnosis of sociology

Abstract: On the occasion of an index published by the French National Education, which shows a growing educational segregation, I show that sociology and philosophy are lost in the description of symptoms without a real diagnostic approach. In question, the weakness of the psychological models of the human hidden behind the citizen. Neuroscience, which vampirizes … Read more

The Professor, the Patron and the Quidam

Knowledge, power and networks are the theme of a new sociological western with three timeless stars: the Professor, the Patron and the Quidam. The Professor The Professor likes to encounter information about what she already knows. She seeks to consolidate her knowledge, refine it, make it exhaustive. Such a beautiful building is well protected. Any … Read more

Contemporary information flows, a paradoxical reduction in exchanges

An upheaval, really? Reading the article The Great Inversion, supposed to reveal a major upheaval in our society, many of you will have pouted. “What does he announce? Media dominance is a truism. Propaganda has been around for centuries. Debord has already taken care of denouncing the society of the spectacle. Information flows come and … Read more