Presentation The phenomenon that we are sure exists, to experience it directly, is awakened consciousness. The impression as its contents are finely correlated to the activity of the brain. Let’s start by understanding how this incredibly complex web of neurons can generate mental representations, with Stratium, hierarchical theory of mind. Let us then tackle the … Read more

How is a neural schema meaning?

Abstract: An activated synaptic configuration, as meaning, is a given distribution of probabilities among all its possible meaningful states. It thus emancipates itself from its constitution and represents a qualitative leap. New mental experience. The mind is constructed from these tiers of meanings, a vertical complexity that makes up its intelligence. To begin this definition, … Read more

Binswanger and the dimension of the Terrifying

Philosophers, like everyone else, have the worst nightmares. Martin Legros wakes up terrified when his daughter falls over the parapet of the roof of a building. He seeks the explanation from Ludwig Binswanger, founder of Daseinanalyse. According to him we come into contact, at the bottom of the nightmare, with a fundamental dimension of existence … Read more

Could rocks be conscious?

A shared consciousness? The variety of responses received by The Guardian leads to this conclusion: consciousness is the thing most shared and least understood by humans. And yet the answers are not only profane; it includes Philip Goff, a panpsychic philosopher, and James Sonne, editor of MDPI’s NeuroSci journal. A geologist answered too! Does life … Read more

The platist school

Abstract: The ways of theorizing the relationship between matter and spirit are divided into three great eras: incompatibility, assimilation, coincidence. The third starts today. 1st era: incompatibility The insoluble contrast between material and spiritual has been recognized since the dawn of humanity. The approaches used during the first era, until the middle of the twentieth … Read more

The origin of all reality

Abstract: The incommensurable strangeness of the origin forces us to create commensurables to dress this ultimate shamelessness. What separates the true from the imaginary? The ability to “listen to oneself think” tends to make us project thought out of reality. There is a ‘material’ world and another ‘virtual’ one, which each of us invents for … Read more

Information and consciousness

Abstract: I show how Surimposium, a theory of consciousness based on complexity, encompasses existing positions on information and consciousness, that of philosophers, physicalists, and new panconscious theories including Tononi’s integrated information. Three positions Three positions on information and consciousness:1) Classical philosophical: information is relative to a conscious observer (Searle).2) Classical materialist: information exists in itself, … Read more

Does the Chinese Chamber still have an interest today?

John Searle’s goal in 1980, in designing this thought experiment, was to denigrate the possibility of understanding and consciousness in an artificial intelligence. Searle imagines himself locked in a room with a catalogue of rules for answering sentences in Chinese, a language he does not know. With these syntactic rules he can answer in Chinese. … Read more

The mirage of the computational mind

Natural/artificial neurons in tandem Neuroscientists are currently very busy refining neural/mental correlations. They are helped in this by analogies with artificial neural networks, especially SSL Self-Supervised Learning. It is very easy today to record the activity of hundreds of thousands of natural neurons in response to images or spoken stories. Activation sequences are obtained. If … Read more