Disappointed predictions

Oracle crashed

2022: The honest prophet finally admits illusory his belief that the world is predictable. The illusion is reinforced in periods of relative calm, by detecting in the past everything that makes the world today. Brutally the illusion explodes on an unexpected turn. The foot slipped on a virus. The mind goes off the road. Dazed, in the midst of its charred representations, it watches the world continue out of its reach. Is it fundamentally unpredictable?

Use the double look. If I had an authentic ontological look, the world would be predictable. Because I would be in its skin. The solutions that would be available to me, as one of its elements, would be reduced to one: the one that reality follows. ‘Predictable’ is not the right term, however. As an element I cannot see the result until I have carried out my ontological processes. This is a ‘relentless march’ rather than a ‘prediction’.

I only predict the world that is mine

I do not have an authentic ontological look, only a substitute that I call ‘upward’. It starts from representations of the origin of the world. These belong to me; my upward look is therefore pseudo-ontological only. This approximation makes my predictions fragile. I can only determine the fate of the world as I imagine it.

The illusion is born by believing that my upward look is foundational. Not. It is born by the downward look, that of the models that structure my mind. It is a problem of filiation. I implicitly recognize that the world is first and that I am its child. But I execute the opposite direction by giving birth to an identity to the world, from mine. This deception creates my surprise when the world escapes me.

My reality contains my freedom

As it is impossible for me to access the world per se, there is only one way out for my predictions: to modify them dynamically in my relationships. Attention! It is not believing the unpredictable world, which would take away all power over it. It’s believing in the power of my predictions knowing that they are never the world. Dam to disappointment.

Unpredictability has this advantage: it confirms that we are out of the world, that our identity has taken off from it. It confirms the concept of our freedom.


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