This page brings together blog articles on artificial intelligence, its perspectives, its dangers, the way to bring it closer to humans. IA – The file (1): our concerns How do we question artificial intelligence? What does it represent? A start on how we care. IA (2): soliTary or soliDary? The supposed dangers of artificial intelligence … Read more

Prejudices about artificial intelligence

The art of the monkey Prejudices are very powerful when it comes to AI, even among the researchers themselves. Antoine Henry says in Science&Vie: “[A machine] cannot be creative since it has no intention. It is ultimately just simulating art! “. The article comments on Botto, an AI that has just exceeded one million dollars … Read more

Artificial intelligence (4): is it closer to humans or is it the opposite?

The dangers of artificial intelligence are ours I come to the conclusion of the previous 3 articles. My final thesis is this: human intelligence has come very close to the one we imagined artificial: a collective mind, hyperconnected, continually swallowing masses of information, with a multifaceted personality, difficult to define. This description applies more and … Read more

Artificial intelligence (3): Is its progenitor, science, healthy?

Fusional science Diversity has its advantages and disadvantages. Brilliant originality of thought and possible excesses. Major progress or disaster. Science has welded together in a collective so fusional that one can wonder why. Is it to consolidate the fabric of knowledge or to avoid the excesses of mad scientists? Depending on the look used, soliDary … Read more

Artificial Intelligence (2): SoliTary or SoliDary?

Difference and diversity Can we formally differentiate between artificial and human intelligence? For now yes: the first is programmed by the second, the second has only mystical programmer. Probably it is self-organization of a reality devoid of consciousness (but self-organization is the principle leading to it). Understanding this principle is the only way to an … Read more

Artificial intelligence (1): our concerns

To wonder Worried about human intelligence being replaced by the artificial?Let us begin by questioning the reasons for this concern. Is it to imagine a truly equivalent intelligence on a digital rather than organic medium? Will these beings be less human? Is an artificial mind devoid of emotions, lacking the most basic empathy? Is it … Read more