Abstract: In complexity, levels of information pile up. Their independence is relative. The term ‘adding’ levels overemphasizes discontinuity, while the term ‘deepening’ information overemphasizes continuity. The neologism “surimposing” information accounts for this dependence of the upper level on the lower, while giving it its own meaning.
Fundamental reality
The trap of the mathematical universe
The relative intransigence of quantification Let’s dive into the fundamental meaning of quantification. It implies an intransigent separation between individuations. Is the nature of this separation knowable? Yes, if we can reduce individuation to parties, whose relationships create discontinuity. The separation is therefore intransigent but not irreducible. Except by adopting foundationalism, that is, to postulate … Read more
Complexity explodes in neural networks
Some neologisms I call Diversium reality as a self-organized structure (self-organization diversifies reality as its complexity increases). We know several sections with this complex dimension. From the elementary to the sophisticated, I call them: Quantum (quantum vacuum > subatomic particles), Matterium (atoms > neurons), Stratium (synchronous neural group > self-awareness), Societarium (consciousness of others > … Read more
Spirit and matter
How to start from self-referential notions? In this article I try to coordinate the following notions: individuation, information, communication, arrow of time, cause. Each of these notions is self-referential; impossible to define it in absolute terms; I am obliged to appeal to the concept itself. This shows that they are not ontological but properties of … Read more
Disappointed predictions
Oracle crashed 2022: The honest prophet finally admits illusory his belief that the world is predictable. The illusion is reinforced in periods of relative calm, by detecting in the past everything that makes the world today. Brutally the illusion explodes on an unexpected turn. The foot slipped on a virus. The mind goes off the … Read more
Who or what created everything?
The world is incredibly complex Not only are we extremely mentally diverse beings, but our constitution is just as complex. Reading an article about cellular machinery you ask yourself: How does it all hold up? By what miracle does the metabolism not become chaos? And above all, how could such a sophisticated process be built … Read more
Is science real ontological knowledge?
Ontological knowledge is not what it seems In this article I use 3 epistemic notions to show how our mind apprehends reality per se and why it is always only an approximation: –The double look: one part of the mind simulates the processes of the real(Real pole),another has intention(Spirit pole). Upward and downward looks exchanged … Read more
Determinism and indeterminism
Abstract: Indeterminism has come to upset our representation of the world. Quantum theory shakes the assurance of the layman… but reinforces that of the physicist, who sees the world through equations. The theory shows a perfect example of ontological emergence, which questions the fundamental character of ‘elementary’ forces. The article suggests that there are only configurational forces throughout the complex dimension. The notion of probability is revisited. Probable states become real in an independent level of reality. Microscopic and macroscopic each have their existence. The two are inseparable and start a direction of look towards each other. In the upward direction, complexity self-constitutes indeterministically. In the downward direction, it is constituted deterministically. The opposition between determined and indeterminate reality dissolves.
My reality is the true one Am I living in “the” reality or in “my” reality? Over 99% of humanity today uses the first choice or ignores the question. Even if I am a philosopher and neuroscientist, perfectly aware that everyone lives in their personal reality, I do not take it into account on a … Read more
Double look (definition)
Two directions in the complex dimension The double look is a fundamental notion about how our mind apprehends reality. About everything are separated two approaches: 1) How was the thing constituted? 2) How does the thing appear in the context in which it is formed? Considering everything as structured, these looks are two directions of … Read more