Deficiencies in metaphysical vocabulary

Philosophical vocabulary is a real semantic mess! The word is not too strong. It is almost easier to learn a foreign language. Look for example at the word ‘being’; It designates both a phenomenon and a representation. Between ‘I am’ – an unshareable experience – and ‘he is’ – an infinitely divided opinion – there … Read more

What is the priority view of society?

Before being bad in society, we are bad in our skin.All social problems are dealt with in the wrong first direction, teleological. The real first is ontological: why am I unwell before being bad in what surrounds me? There is a crowd on my identity path Certainly my discomfort comes from what surrounded me. This … Read more

Neurocognitive Mechanisms by Gualtiero Piccinini, critical review

Abstract: Neurocognitive Mechanisms (2020), by Gualtiero Piccinini, is a philosophical and neuroscientific work, seeking to ground cognition and its phenomena in a comprehensive neurocomputational theory. But the philosophical treatment is wrong. The introduction of “aspects” of a single level of reality also introduces something that looks independently of that single level. We fall back on … Read more

What is a woman?

Ariane Nicolas revisits the question of Simone de Beauvoir, 70 years later, in the stormy context of gender transidentity. “A woman, based on my own experience, I don’t know what it is,” she says. The Flying Woman Here are Ariane’s explanations: she knows that she is a woman because society has told her, in her … Read more

Time solved, the sequel

Two criticisms Ambitious, the previous article? After showing how thorny the problem of time is, it claims to solve it in a few paragraphs. Philosophical references but no equations. How can science and phenomenon converge under these conditions? This is the first criticism to be made of this article. The second criticism is that it … Read more

The enigma of time solved

Two schools? No time… Time is one of our most enigmatic root concepts. The difficulty of grasping it has created two clearly divided schools of thought. The first sees time as a simple order of succession. No reference to the present or to an observer. One event is limited to being anterior or subsequent to … Read more

Counterfactual causality, what is the point?

Abstract: A theory of causality, a root concept, must strive to converge its ontological and teleological directions. The counterfactuals used by Paul Noordhof unfortunately failed in this attempt. They form a good description of cognition, highlighting its biases. Going further requires looking at the complex dimension. Part 1: Two-way causal representation Causality is one of … Read more

Explaining evil is not justifying it

Thinking about evil is not just about burning yourself in it With ‘Evil in modern thought‘, essayist Susan Neiman revisits Nietzsche and Arendt to condemn a resignation from contemporary philosophy about evil. She sees the Holocaust as such an exorbitant evil that it requires a complete overhaul of ethics, not just deconstructing world history. An … Read more

Compare theories of consciousness?

Striking spirit What is immediately striking about the theories of consciousness is that they don’t look alike at all. Of course we group them into major fields, scientific, religious, philosophical, but each group is heterogeneous. Among scientists, disciplines as diverse as neuroscience, complexity, and quantum physics compete for copyrights on consciousness. Every mystic wants to … Read more