Quantum oddities under the double look

If necessary, start with What is the double look? Odd in the middle of the other images, not for the math A constant in the popular works of the quantum world: to present the particles as abracadabrant entities, so insane that Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland seems almost wise in comparison. You read that they “alter their … Read more

How will the metaverse transform us?

Philomag looks at this disturbing question in a philosophical press review. How old is the metaverse? For Gabrielle Halpern, the virtual duplication of our reality responds to a fantasy, that of a world that obeys entirely our will. We are interested in the metaverse not because reality is boring but because we refuse its unpredictability,” … Read more


Incomplete collectivist look Without the double look the researcher often misses his subject. Example with an article on violence in Pour La Science (in french), published by Charles-Édouard de Suremain, anthropologist. He usefully walks the collectivist eye of his specialty on the contexts and forms of violence, but at no time allows to grasp its … Read more

Chaos: order or disorder?

Order in Chaos Chaos is a muddle where our understanding struggles to find the slightest trace of order. An order? In what dimension? Let’s stop time. Chaos becomes a fixed picture. Everything is in its place. Abstract painting but well formed of elements. Order is spatial. By magnifying well we see molecules, each owner of … Read more

Who or what created everything?

The world is incredibly complex Not only are we extremely mentally diverse beings, but our constitution is just as complex. Reading an article about cellular machinery you ask yourself: How does it all hold up? By what miracle does the metabolism not become chaos? And above all, how could such a sophisticated process be built … Read more

Genomium: The genome as a complex attractor

Complex attractors ground levels of reality In Surimposium I present the complexity of reality as an independent dimension. Just as 3D space defines points around which material objects orbit, the complex dimension is endowed with attractors melting levels of reality, around which complex entities gravitate. Sometimes the level is rigorously defined and all entities are … Read more

Artificial intelligence (4): is it closer to humans or is it the opposite?

The dangers of artificial intelligence are ours I come to the conclusion of the previous 3 articles. My final thesis is this: human intelligence has come very close to the one we imagined artificial: a collective mind, hyperconnected, continually swallowing masses of information, with a multifaceted personality, difficult to define. This description applies more and … Read more

Artificial intelligence (3): Is its progenitor, science, healthy?

Fusional science Diversity has its advantages and disadvantages. Brilliant originality of thought and possible excesses. Major progress or disaster. Science has welded together in a collective so fusional that one can wonder why. Is it to consolidate the fabric of knowledge or to avoid the excesses of mad scientists? Depending on the look used, soliDary … Read more

Artificial Intelligence (2): SoliTary or SoliDary?

Difference and diversity Can we formally differentiate between artificial and human intelligence? For now yes: the first is programmed by the second, the second has only mystical programmer. Probably it is self-organization of a reality devoid of consciousness (but self-organization is the principle leading to it). Understanding this principle is the only way to an … Read more

Artificial intelligence (1): our concerns

To wonder Worried about human intelligence being replaced by the artificial?Let us begin by questioning the reasons for this concern. Is it to imagine a truly equivalent intelligence on a digital rather than organic medium? Will these beings be less human? Is an artificial mind devoid of emotions, lacking the most basic empathy? Is it … Read more