Abstract: The sex/gender duo is controversial. I present the general line of the blog, anti-partisan —it criticizes the denial of gender as well as the excesses of wokism about it. Then are summarized and listed in preferential reading order the blog articles on gender, sex, feminism and related activism.
The general line followed:
Let’s run away from simplistic dualisms such as genetic sex. Let us also flee from egalitarians, who would like to erase from genetics the origin of our impulses. Consciousness does not control everything. Cultural reprogramming shows its limits on behavior. Aggressiveness is an advantage or disadvantage depending on the context. It is not limited to sexual affairs. It is properly channelled into a healthy society, poses problems when social conflicts escalate. The lack of empathy for the other is first and foremost a concern with self-image. The defect is aggravated when the other is different, by the culture… and gender.
Make individual differences accepted and valued? It’s not just about advocating for tolerance. We need a collective that is present and powerful in people’s minds. But society becomes a mosaic of tribes with their own rules. Collective laws are mocked. The individual-kings refuse to let them apply to them. Activists do the same and encourage the formation of reactionary clans. The effort at mediation and general reconciliation is at half-mast.
Sex and gender in the show society
Decision-makers are subject to clientelist and media pressures, while they are mandated to represent the interest of the greatest number. The show society replaces the debate-measures-result management. The show requires that the situation get worse even when it gets better.
The news is entirely dedicated to the spasms of the present, which it wedges between the failures of the past and a future to be saved from the apocalypse. The show calls for immediate cheers, votes and likes. While collective management is about taking an interest in our ancestors and caring about our descendants. It is to find the solution of a problem in the long term and not in the moment.
Activism turns a blind eye to the collapse of collective power, which is the only way to integrate values into society as a whole. It even participates in its impotence when it refuses compromises. The landscape is filled with extremists and the center disappears.
Preferential order for reading articles
What is feminine and masculine?
Proposal for a new definition of feminine and masculine, freed from genetics, but which emphasizes two fundamental trends of personality: collectivism/femininity versus individualism/masculinity. The male sex is content to push towards individual aggressiveness, erasing the spontaneous collectivism of the female sex. This is the main ontological thrust. Depending on the environment encountered, it produces an emerging gender and personality that sometimes deviate markedly from the average encountered in each genetic sex.
Feminism has focused on the problem of women’s individual rights inferior to those of men. This struggle has unfortunately greatly amplified individualism to the detriment of collectivism. Men have not at the same time reduced their individual pretensions to care for others. Societal upheaval that goes beyond sex matters.
Women, desire and consent
The four eras of female desire, from pleasureocene to contemporary disorientation. Let us go back to the ontology of desire but let us be careful not to place in it an excessive purpose. Desire can be educated but too much education ages it.
From universal feminism to sectarian wokism
Feminism started from an authentic universal awakening but tends to bury itself in a sectarian wokism. It must learn to do without the symbolic, for example positive discrimination: in a society already very competitive for men, the free passes maintain a primary anti-feminism.
Non-binarism and anti-binarism
Using the example of Theo, who renames herself Thea, I show the important difference between true non-binaries, who are rarely heard, and anti-binaries, ardent militants.
Genre: do non-binaries exist?
Non-binaries exist but it is rarely the ones we hear called themselves that, which are rather anti-binaries. The distinction is important for knowing people’s true preferences, their sociability, their hidden neuroses and their true contribution to the cause of gender.
Heterosexual? Laziness
The excesses of militant feminism complicate the defense of the condition of women and often lock into a personal impasse. Example of a philosopher who develops a laziness for heterosexuality.
Masculine subtracted or added to the feminine?
Back on a side effect of the feminist: a unisex society where collectivism / femininity has disappeared. Reaction proposed to men: to avoid the extinction of the male is to assimilate in oneself the female when it becomes scarce around. Without this effort, hyposexuality looms over us, men as well as women.
Living three
What is the basic formula for companionship? Is the couple still the right mode for the time? A reflection on the couple as a “third accomplice”, an independent entity created by the companionship, existing only by it, but carried asymmetrically by its members.
What is a woman?
Ariane Nicolas revisits the question of Simone de Beauvoir, 70 years later, in the stormy context of gender transidentity. “A woman, based on my own experience, I don’t know what it is,” she says.
Why do we wear makeup?
4 answers from philosophers who are probably like makeup: they seek to catch the eye…
When women take charge of the couple’s history
Genetic sex and cultural gender are not competitors in the study of our behaviors, except when a cultural a priori seeks to manipulate the studies. An example with Ellie Anderson, an American philosopher and gender activist, who sees the woman always alone cleaning, that of the couple’s story this time…
The bad third
The third accomplice is an essential concept for understanding the life and destiny of a couple. This Whole resulting from the fusion of the partners, carried asymmetrically by one and the other, explains the durability of couples who seem very badly matched to us, while apparently fitter companions separate without changing mood.